Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pictures of Pool Party, Yonsei Day and New Room!

This is my new room... I know you can't see it all that well, but there is also about two feet at the end of the bed before the wall where I have a hanging rack for nicer clothes and a dresser that is lined up beside the desk. There is a fan mounted on the wall which serves as my air conditioning and the family hooked up the internet in my room so now I have absolutely no reason to leave...just kidding. I love my host family and feel very lucky to have gotten them!
Here I am with my new friend So Yahn who came to get me in Seoul at Yonsei Day (Yonsei is the University where we stayed in Seoul; therefore Fulbright deemed our going away day as Yonsei Day). So Yahn and I will be great friends; I can already tell...
Here we are waiting to meet our principals and co-teachers; it was sort of like being backstage at a game show, waiting to find out what you've won... we were all primping ourselves while Fulbright taught us formal korean phrases to get us through our first week.
My friend Kate and I saying goodbye. We really do look like San Seng Neems (teachers).
I definitely memorized this Korean phrase and have repeated it many times at my homestay, my school, in the taxi (just kidding). Fulbright didn't forget to teach us anything!
Here is a picture of part of the U.S. Ambassador's home (although I'm not sure which part). We were quickly shuffled straight to the swimming pool area where there was a large area of American BBQ foods; it was great!
The pool party at the Ambassador's residence was anything but tame...it was so very American!
Swimming is something I do not take lightly and neither did the girl on my right nor the boy on my left; they were both on swim teams at their colleges. Here we are getting ready to race as fast as we can across the pool underwater, careful not to get tagged.
Here we are in the pool getting organized for a very competitive and rowdy game of Sharks and Minoes...

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